STEP 1 – COMPLETE THE FIRST LAYER CROSS Keep WHITE centre on top Put the GREEN centre piece in front (facing you) Find the GREEN/ WHITE edge piece (it only has 2 colours) and turn it to one of the positions…

Below are 20 small acts of kindness which some kind soul has left behind. This may improve your karma today. Buy coffee or pay the toll for the person behind you Give someone a sincere compliment Put a coin in…

I had a girlfriend that I dated for a short time while we were in high school. I broke up with her because I wanted to be free my senior year. We had only been dating for less than a…

Friend, Wisdom and Love No matter who we are, the world is ours to discover and enjoy Courage is needed to set off into the world, Tolerance is needed to stay and be part of a family Love and Wisdom…

This was a speech made by Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Anna Quindlen at the graduation ceremony of an American university where she was awarded an Honorary PhD. Most brilliant, to the point speech to get all of us thinking…. “I’m a…

I found this cake recipe on and I’ve got to say it’s really delicious! It’s great for Autumn / Winter and has all the lovely warm seasonal flavours we all gravitate towards in the colder months. It’s very simple to make…